Video: Local Debugging for your Alexa Skill

The Alexa team recently announced that they will be publishing more tutorials for developing skills. As most of us advanced Skill Builders have learned, there is a dearth of tutorials on the Internet once you get past the initial beginner tutorials. One such topic that has cost me quite a lot of time finding information … Continue reading “Video: Local Debugging for your Alexa Skill”

How to unit test IntentHandlers

Custom Alexa skills make it really easy to get started and publish a low-effort skill on the Alexa Skill store. However, once a project gets large enough (i.e. multiple conditional statements, asynchronous requests, complex response speech), it pays off to know how to unit test IntentHandlers. In this tutorial, I will show you how to … Continue reading “How to unit test IntentHandlers”

“You just triggered MyCoolIntent”

If you’re testing your new skill on the Alexa Developer Console (the Test tab) and you run into an odd message similar to ”You just triggered MyCoolIntent”, there is an easy solution to your problem: add your intent to the request handlers to the addRequestHandlers method of the Alexa SkillBuilder. What is happening is that … Continue reading ““You just triggered MyCoolIntent””