On April 16th, 2019, AWS Training and Certification announced a new exam for Alexa developers, the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty Exam.
AWS offers a large amount of certification tests for professionals interacting with its platforms and software, such as Solutions Architects, Cloud Practitioners, and DevOps, so it was no surprise that they would start to make one for Alexa Skill Builders.
The exam will cover in-depth aspects of the Alexa ecosystem, covering voice-specific design and capabilities, skill architecture and development, troubleshooting, testing, publishing and lifecycle management.
The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty exam costs $300 worldwide, which makes it a fairly expensive test to re-take. Certification can often be a huge resume boost, especially if you find yourself looking for a career in voice services.
Here are some resources to help you study for the exam, test your knowledge with practice tests, and hear about test taker experiences:
- Official exam sample questions – Includes sample questions and answers with explanations.
- Amazon Alexa Developer Documentation – The go-to source for Alexa developers
- https://lgallardo.com/2019/04/19/2019-04-19-aws-certified-alexa-skill-builder-specialty/ – Luis M. Gallardo took a beta version of the test and was successfully certified. He has several tips on his site that can help you become certified.
- https://acloud.guru/learn/intro-alexa-free – Learn to build 3 Alexa skills from the ground up with this short course, gaining fundamental skills that will provide you with a solid foundation for advanced Alexa development.
- https://acloud.guru/series/alexa-devs – A nice course that covers a lot of Alexa skill areas, such as device display, audio file enhancement, ISP (in-skill purchasing), and much more!
- https://acloud.guru/learn/aws-certified-alexa-skill-builder-specialty – A course that will get you ready for the exam from A Cloud Guru, a leader in AWS training.
- Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty – Official training course from AWS
- https://certstestengine.com/aws-certified-alexa-skill-builder-specialty-dumps/ – I am listing this one for reference, although their sample questions PDF link is currently unavailable
- AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Exam (AXS-C01) Exam Guide – An in-depth PDF containing the structure and material covered on the exam.
- https://www.whizlabs.com/aws-certified-alexa-skill-builder-specialty/
- Udemy Alexa Courses
- https://www.gangboard.com/aws-certified-alexa-skill-builder-specialty-training